I am proud to announce that Davka Software, the largest producer of Jewish computer software programs, has chosen to feature Lincoln Square Synagogue in its latest production. This is the newest Davka mp3 CD program, “Favorite Niggunim of Shalosh Regalim and Chanukah.” Having heard that LSS has a reputation for the most effective and successful sing-a-long congregational melodies, they asked me to record them for this production so that Jewish communities all over the world could benefit from our example. The mp3 CD has 165 files of music for Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Shmini Atseret/Simchat Torah and Chanukah, based on 55 different melodies, most of which we sing here at LSS, plus a selection of other well-known “traditional” melodies heard in many shuls. This includes the varied melodies that we sing for Hallel, Holiday Kedushas, Tal/Geshem, Hoshanos, etc. I am very grateful to Davka for having chosen to showcase our LSS melodies to the rest of the Jewish world. It is my hope that this program will help to improve the quality of the davening in shuls all over the world by helping them to choose effective, uplifting melodies for each Holiday season. I would be very honored if every LSS family owned a copy so that all of us will come to shul ready to “sing along,” as I always urge you to do at the end of every Musical Note. You have all been wonderful until now, and this may help to make us even better!
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